【Nigiri sushi: Hikarimono】
Saba is a migratory cold-sea fish that moves north along the Japanese coast from spring to summer while laying eggs, then migrates south again from autumn to winter.
Because of its high-fat content and therefore short shelf life, long ago, mackerel was often eaten vinegared and salted, but recently it’s become common to find mackerel as a raw topping. Fatty mackerel sushi is a nice treat during cold winter. The rich flavor of blue-skinned fish leaves you with a fine aftertaste.
If the fish is marinated in salt and vinegar for a short time, the center will be raw, and you can enjoy the strong umami flavor that mackerel naturally has after the melt-in-the-mouth texture. If the fish is marinated for a long time until the flesh becomes white, you can enjoy the firm texture and deep flavor.
In order to get rid of the fishy smell of mackerel, some methods can be used like grilling its skin, or using juice and peel from citrus fruit like a lemon.
Ishikawa Oita Nagasaki