【Nigiri sushi: Hikarimono】
Kasugo is young sea bream. Originally Kasugo refers to young Chidai (Crimson sea-bream), but recently it is also used for young Madai (Red sea-bream) and Kidai (Yellowback sea-bream).
Apparently, the term Kasugo evolved from the word “kasukko”. Kasukko means “the baby of the family”, in other words, the smallest child, and this word was used to also mean “small sea bream”.
Fish meat of pale pink evokes an image of spring. Since it has a low-fat content, it is not well suited to grilling, braising, or serving as sashimi.But a skilled sushi chef can give this fish new life with a little salt and vinegar to firm up the flesh. When you bite into a piece of Kasugo, the texture is simply amazing, with the firmness of the fish’s flesh playing off the slight elasticity of its skin. Then as you chew, the delicious flavor of the fish slowly spreads through your mouth.
Although Tai is classified as white fish, Kasugo is classified as a silver-skin fish.
Nagasaki Ehime Hyougo Fukuoka